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At Ceiba, we work passionately to transform our clients’ businesses, making them more successful in technology and innovation. The technology passes, and the relationship remains!

The importance of service in business competitiveness. It is evident that good service can be the most significant differentiator in any market. This is true not only from a technological perspective but also from the viewpoint of an everyday person.

This weekend, I deeply reflected on the importance of service and its impact on competitiveness. Some aspects of service do not require high technology or sophistication; they are basic and fundamental. Simple actions such as making a phone call, attending well, greeting warmly, and fulfilling commitments are essential and make a big difference in the customer experience.

When we need a service, we expect promises to be kept. However, if a provider cannot fulfill a commitment, it is essential to inform the customer immediately; transparency and communication are crucial. It is highly frustrating when, as customers, we do not receive the expected attention, such as waiting for a delivery that never arrives or a technician who does not show up on time. These failures in management create a negative perception that directly affects the company’s competitiveness.

If Colombia is known for its friendly and helpful people, I am trying to understand why this service is lost in business. Competitiveness sometimes depends on technological modernization and maintaining these basic principles of good treatment. A positive example is Pergamino, a coffee shop that stands out for its quality products and excellent personalized attention. Sometimes, all the employees, from the waiter to the manager, know the customers by name, offering close and friendly treatment, thus creating a unique and memorable experience.

Human Differentiator vs. Technology

While automation and artificial intelligence can improve efficiency, they cannot replace the human ability to express empathy and adapt to specific situations. The human factor is undoubtedly a great differentiator in customer service. For example, during a trip to Italy, I had a negative experience with a train ticket seller who refused to help me with the ticket machine. This attitude highlights the importance of empathy and personalized attention that only humans can offer.

Additionally, the quality of service lies in the people. When the staff is not aligned, deficiencies are immediately noticeable. For this reason, personalized assistance makes a significant difference and can position a company above its competitors.

Admitting mistakes and understanding who the service is offered to are critical aspects of this dynamic. It is not about exaggerating emotions but about providing genuine and empathetic attention that connects with the customer.

Perhaps technology does not introduce “noise” or emotions when providing attention, which can sometimes be an advantage in terms of efficiency. “Noise” refers to external or internal influences that can affect the quality of a human decision, such as mood. However, technological neutrality can be a disadvantage when understanding context and language barriers, which machines and humans still need to handle. While “noise” can lead to inconsistencies, it allows flexibility and empathy. A human employee can detect frustration in a customer’s voice and adjust their response to calm them, something an automated response cannot do. This type of human warmth is crucial in complicated situations.

The customer should not have to understand these barriers; on the contrary, the service provider should be aware of them and adapt. For example, when language is a barrier, a human can communicate effectively with gestures and tone of voice. At the same time, a machine might fail to convey the same clarity and empathy. Thus, providing good service with enthusiasm and love is fundamental, not just to fulfill a task.

It is important to note that only humans can express positive feelings in a complicated situation and handle it with tact. We, as humans, can use alternative paths and seek creative solutions, something that automation and artificial intelligence cannot yet fully achieve. Understanding and perceiving what the customer wants is the great differentiator people have over machines. Therefore, we still can make a significant difference in customer service.

Our Focus as a Company

At Ceiba, we emphasize that good service can make a difference. Fulfilling commitments, communicating delays, and offering solutions are fundamental practices in our philosophy. It’s not just about fulfilling a task for the sake of it but doing so with dedication and passion for the work. Good service improves the customer’s perception and strengthens our brand and trust in the company.

Lastly, it is crucial not to take on commitments that cannot be fulfilled in this context. It is perfectly valid to say that something cannot be done, but it is always important to keep the customer informed and seek solutions and alternatives when possible. The right combination of technology and humanity can represent the competitive advantage we need to stand out in the market.

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