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  7. Ágiles Colombia 2024: A Gathering of Innovation and Knowledge

Ágiles Colombia 2024: A Gathering of Innovation and Knowledge

Personas en auditorio de evento ágiles en bogotá

Last July 12 and 13, Ceiba participated and sponsored Ágiles Colombia 2024, an event full of learning. This meeting, held in Bogota, brought together 477 participants from six countries and more than 12 regions of Colombia, consolidating itself as a unique space where the community self-organizes to share knowledge and best practices in agility.

Our CEO, Stibenzon Cañas Sánchez, presented a conference “How do we achieve agile organizations?”. Based on an article written by himself, Stibenzon shared real experiences and practical strategies that drive adaptability and value for our companies and customers.

We also had the valuable participation of Herlency Muñoz García, Manager of ceibaLAB, who gave a talk on “Agile Leadership and High Impact Teams”. With 25 years of experience in technology companies and recognized as one of the 14 most influential professionals in DesignOps, Herlency offered unique and highly enriching perspectives.

Our colleague Beatriz Gómez Vidales, Agile Coach, played a key role in the logistics of the event and participated in a talk on “Design and Evolution of Agile Teams”. Together with colleagues from EPM, they shared a holistic view on the design of teams, their structure and topology, and how this design is an ongoing process.

Finally, Ana María Betancur, Transformation Consultant, shared her knowledge in two talks: “Epic Culture” and “Sustainable Systemic Transformations, People, Organizations and Culture”. Both talks offered valuable tools to achieve sustainable personal and organizational transformations.

Participating in Ágiles Colombia 2024 not only allowed us to share our knowledge, but also to learn from other leaders and professionals in the sector. These types of events are fundamental for growth and innovation in our organizations, and we are committed to continue supporting and participating in them.