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Ceiba Success Stories
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Image copyright©: Celsia S.A. Granja Solar Yumbo | Foto: Santiago Vergara – LaPic S.A.S.
A marketplace for buying and selling energy
Digital solution for self-generators: renewable energy within everyone’s reach.
Transforming the energy market
Designed Colombia’s sustainable energy plan (long & short-term) for XM.
EPM’s Robotic assistant
Ema: Beyond a chatbot, automates processes & boosts digital customer service.
EPM’s Auto - generators
Pioneering user-managed green energy with intelligent 4IR platform.
Covid – 19 Symptoms survey
High-availability web app stopped virus spread at HidroItuango, Colombia’s energy lifeline.
Our clients
With more than 19 years of expertise, we have impacted more than 200 businesses all over the globe as their nearshore software development partner in Colombia.